Leonard clark explorer biography worksheet

Why was u.s. jurisdiction not implemented during the expedition?

Lewis and Clark led the Corps Discovery Expedition from The goals of the expedition were to explore and to map the newly acquired territory, to look for a route .
leonard clark explorer biography worksheet

Was york freed by clark

¥ How the United States acquired the land explored during the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Why did clark refuse to give york his freedom after the corps of discovery was completed?

These Meriwether Lewis Biography Activities include: Video Link Posters-8 Word Wall Cards-KWL Chart-Was, Had, Wanted Chart-Timeline / Sequencing Worksheet w/ Answer Key-Fill in the Blank Worksheet w/ Answer Key-Fact or Opinion Worksheet w/ Answer Key-Word Search w/ Answer Key-Adjectives Worksheet-All About Poster.
Why would a reader question clark’s description of york’s life after he was given his freedom?
¥ How the United States acquired the land explored during the Lewis and Clark Expedition.